Download WORKBOOK - اعتقاد-البُخاري Arabic Workbook تعظيم العلم Arabic workbook الموسوعة الفقهية
Tuesday 27th – Thursday 29th August 2024 

Who is Shaykh Hussayn al Awaayishah?

About the Shaykh:
  • Shaykh Husayn al-Awaayishah all abies is a prominent Islamic scholar from the Kingdom of Jordan.
  • The Shaykh is from amongst one of the oldest and most senior students of Al-Imaam
  • Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albaani.
  • The Shaykh is an accomplished author, with key works including:
  • Mawsuuatul Fiqhiyyah (Encyclopedia of Figh), a comprehensive guide on Islamic law.
  • Sharh Adab Al-Mufrad of Imaam Al-Bukhari, a commentary on Hadiths related to manners, including the Tahqeeq of Imaam Al-Albaani.
  • Several of the Shaykh’s works have been translated into English, including:
  • The Prayer – Its Effect in Increasing Eeman &
    Purifying the Soul (translated by Dawood Burbank all da).
  • Adorning Knowledge with Actions.

The Shaykh is a distinguished lecturer, known for his teaching across the globe.

Who is Shaykh Dr. Ziyad Al Abbaadi?

  • Shaykh Dr. Ziyad Al Abbaadi, all dies, is a distinguished scholar in Hadith studies.
  • The Shaykh has a PhD in Hadith Sciences and currently serves as a professor at the University of Jordan, within the Faculty of Hadith.
  • Shaykh Ziyad was a close student, neighbour and companion of Al-Imaam Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albaani.
  • The Shaykh made ‘Mulaazama’, of Imaam Al-Albaani, a term for close companionship and rigorous study under a scholar.
  • At Imaam Al-Albaani’s request, Shaykh Ziyad worked on editing and refining the maam’s books for many years. His efforts helped preserve and disseminate Imaam Al-Albaani’s scholarly contributions for future generations.